It can be confusing when you hear the terms nnEMF, RFR, ELF, EMF, EMR or ElectroMagnetic Radiation, Electrosmog, Electro-pollution.
I like to use the term nnEMF (non native electromagnetic frequencies) implying any man made frequencies including -
Radiofrequency Radiation
Microwave Radiation
Magnetic Fields
Electric Fields
Dirty Electric
These types of pollution are not visible to the naked eye, yet is generated everyday by wireless devises and electric grid. I use the Architecture of Radio app to give patients a visual of the assaults they cannot see. It is shocking to see the number of satellites, wifi and cell towers pulses we are exposed to.

(RFR) radiofrequency radiation is a class 2B possibly carcinogenic to humans, the same category as lead, and DDT. Leading Scientists and Medical Professionals agree that it should be reclassified as a Group 1 carcinogenic to humans I and agree wholeheartedly.
Industry does a good job conning everyone that 5g is just the next generation when it is really opening up the super high frequency range of radiation that is even more dangerous then previously allowed.
How do these exposures effect me?
We know the value of decreasing exposures to household chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides in order to prevent disease or to experience a full recovery from a current illness or imbalance. However, the least talked about yet most rapidly increasing toxic exposure in our environment comes as a side effect of our increased technological capabilities.
Non-native microwave radiation now surrounds us at levels never before in our history. The ever expanding use of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Smart phones and appliances, pads, pods, cell phone towers and every kind of wireless technology is beginning to have an effect.
All living beings are electromagnetic beings, with delicate EMF signals regulating bodily systems. International independent research and reports predict new or worsened health problems likely for the public, their pets, animals, wildlife, and insects, including:
abnormal heart rhythms
cardiac arrest
difficulty regulating blood sugar
ear bleeding
ear, eye, or heart pain
enlarged thyroid
eye problems
flu-like symptoms
high blood pressure
higher than normal rates of birth defects
immune system deficiencies
joint pain
loss of energy
memory and concentration problems
muscle weakness
nerve pain
night sweats
skin reactions
sleep abnormalities
spontaneous abortions
suicidal thoughts
swollen lymph nodes
urinary urgency
Are you paying attention?
Autoimmune disease, Cancer, Autism, and Allergies are all worsened and can even be caused by these exposures. If you have tattoos, metal fillings or implants you are likely more effected by nnEMF's. Do you have any of these symptoms? How much nnEMF are you around?
Other countries now classify over exposure to these frequencies - Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) which can be treated. These are some simple steps to protect you and your families and even pets.
Make your sleep space a low nnEMF environment - turn off the breakers to this space at night
Replace cordless phones with corded ones
Hardwire your internet connection and remove all wifi modems and routers
Remove all LED, dimmer switches, and fluorescent lights
Smart meters - opt out and get an analog meter installed, if not an option shield or relocate the meter
Keep your cellphone on airplane mode and only use in emergency and on speaker phone only
Discontinue using any wireless earbuds
Hire a Building Biologist or Measure
To measure body voltage -
For radio frequencies, magnetic and electric fields -
radio not as sensitive as I recommend on the above so I also have the safe and sound pro 2 in addition for radio frequencies in 5g Range -
For measuring dirty electric -
For more in depth learning visit -
Resources - The Real Dangers of Electronic Devices and EMFs
​ - Long-Term Structural Modification of Water under Microwave Irradiation: Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopic Measurements
​ - The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields
​ - Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder
#dralliejohnson #naturalmedicine #monasticmedicine #indigenousmedicine #naturaldoctor #naturalhealing #lownnemf #emf #mindbodyspirit #realhealing #kuleanaintegrativewellness